What's New for Uric Acid Tests?

This What’s New for Uric Acid Tests image is taken from the report referred to in the article – “Palm-Sized Uric Acid Test Lab Powered by Smartphone for Proactive Gout Management.”

I cropped and resized the original image then added my title and branding. You can see the original at https://doi.org/10.1109/TBCAS.2019.2922674 with the original caption:

Fig. 1. The physical connection diagram of the presented photochemical and smartphone-powered dongle connected with the smartphone via OTG wire with
a photochemical test strip inserted. The photochemical schematic of the system with a miniaturized optoelectronic circuit reader to characterize the intensity of reflect light and a smartphone to display the concentration of the uric acid mapped by the optoelectronic current.

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