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  • #3735

    I’m travelling to visit my daughter in Albuquerque shortly.I have about 4 months supply to donate to a fellow sufferer.
    I will forward them anywhere whilst there.Regards DELBOY


    How very kind.

    If anyone is worried about this, I can assure you it is completely above board – a simple act of kindness from a fellow gout sufferer.
    Personally, such a generous thought is a wonderful antidote to the personal criticism that has been hounding me recently. Not easy to take when you are in the midst of a bout of depression. Delboy’s kindness (along with the generosity of spirit of most contributors here) makes me realize it is all very worthwhile.


    With the price of Colchicine at $5 a pill i’m sure these will be gone in no time. DELBOY this is a act of kindness you don’t see very offen anymore. But please be careful who you send them to. As i’m sure the feds in the good old USA would love to nail you for distrubiting of a controled substance. I know your heart is in the right place but in this country big phama and the FDA go hand in hand. Plus if you use the poststal service thats another charge. What ever you choose to do. I wish you good luck and wish there were more people in this world like you. It would be a much better place. Limpy


    Yeah, doubt whether it’s legal. If you’ve ever seen any of the numerous Customs TV shows on daytime telly, you’ll know that after the usual narcotics smuggling, one of the most common busts is of people bringing prescription meds for their relatives in countries which don’t have a discounted supply through their Health Service. Big fines are possible, so be careful Delboy surprised Maybe only take as many as you could justifyably claim for personal use, plus the same again packed in a separate bag in case the other one got lost in transit. wink


    delboy said

    I’m travelling to visit my daughter in Albuquerque shortly.I have about 4 months supply to donate to a fellow sufferer.
    I will forward them anywhere whilst there.Regards DELBOY

    Does your daughter’s name start with “M”? I live ~50 miles north of Albuquerque and we could meet. I’d gladly take the gift of your hands to pass it on. I don’t need it since I have plenty stashed away for the next 10 years, but I would give it to the ones that I can reach here.
    I was the recipient of a gift from a goutie’s partner two years ago which became a determining factor to increase my Uloric dose from 40 to 80 mg. This has contributed to my well-being for almost a whole year. I am willing to assist you in your generous offer to help other gouties.


    Keith (Gout Admin) said

    How very kind.

    If anyone is worried about this, I can assure you it is completely above board – a simple act of kindness from a fellow gout sufferer.
    Personally, such a generous thought is a wonderful antidote to the personal criticism that has been hounding me recently. Not easy to take when you are in the midst of a bout of depression. Delboy’s kindness (along with the generosity of spirit of most contributors here) makes me realize it is all very worthwhile.

    Keith, I sure hope I wasn’t a contributor to your depression. No goutie needs that. But let me tell you that because of your forum and the contributions of the sincere gouties I did receive a gift from the partner of a goutie who had died. I’d like to help here. You have my email address. Would you be so kind to pass it on to Delboy so that we can get together when he gets here? I’d find ways to pass his gift on to other gouties.

    Keith Taylor

    hansinnm said

    Keith, I sure hope I wasn’t a contributor to your depression. No goutie needs that. But let me tell you that because of your forum and the contributions of the sincere gouties I did receive a gift from the partner of a goutie who had died. I’d like to help here. You have my email address. Would you be so kind to pass it on to Delboy so that we can get together when he gets here? I’d find ways to pass his gift on to other gouties.

    Absolutely not, Hans – now that I understand your humor, you only bring me joy (I’ll send her back when I’m donewink). The depression is a post-traumatic stress issue from last year’s accident. I thought I’d licked it, but I’m getting a few flashbacks and crap this year. I’ll deal with it, but the anonymous a-holes that post meaningless, impolite criticism about a free resource are getting to me, along with other annoying people sending rude private messages. It is definitely not from any active members of this forum, though I’ve deleted one or two in a fit of insomnia-induced rage. I will soon return to my old self, and return to heckling them ferociously.

    I will pass your email to delboy, using your gmail address, as I believe this is your current one. I love that you’re enjoying life as a drug-runnersmile


    Keith Gout Advisor said

    hansinnm said

    ….1) I will soon return to my old self, and return to heckling them ferociously.
    I will pass your email to delboy, using your
    2) gmail address, as I believe this is your current one.
    3) I love that you’re enjoying life as a drug-runnersmile

    Ad 1) It’s about time you think about yourself instead of this forum and us gouties.smilekiss
    Ad 2) hotmail and yahoo will also
    Ad 3) Hey, why do you think I live one of the most important air and land drug spokes of this country? wink

    Keith Taylor

    I spotted a friend in Albuquerque:

    View Hans In Albuquerque in a larger map

    Click the + button to zoom in, and the ‘view larger map’ link for more details.


    Keith Gout Advisor said

    I spotted a friend in Albuquerque:

    Click the + button to zoom in, and the ‘view larger map’ link for more details.

    Keith, you got the WRONG Hans in Albuquerque. I wouldn’t want to caught there dead.frown I make it only once or twice a year if I can help it, like when I see my rheumatologist. cool

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